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2024 Information

$100.00 Tomato Trio

A $100 prize for the 3 best slicing tomatoes. Tomatoes must be grown by the exhibitor. The tomato 
variety must be named on the entry tag. Stems must be on tomatoes but not attached to each other. 
Tomatoes should not be washed, max. size is 10 cm. in diameter. They will be judged on uniformity 
(same size, colour & firmness etc). All exhibitors agree to promotion ie. print, radio, television, video & 
social media. No one can enter and win the $100 more than once.


Special Prizes:
1st -$100- Mary Ann Snowdon
2nd- $50 -Crystal Whyte
3rd $25- Amy Lejcar
4th - $15- Driscoll Family
5th - $10- Driscoll Family

​​Call us


​Find us 

140 Duke Street, Box 886
Seaforth, Ontario N0K 1W0

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