2024 Information
Committee: Crystal Whyte 519 525 6600
Location: Agriplex Show Barn
NO LEAVES IN THE WATER- Judges will deduct points or even disqualify the entry due to leaves
in water.
All flowers must be grown by you! (except where noted, Class 29)
Cut flowers will be judged on uniformity of colour, shape, and overall health.
Entries should have some foliage attached to plant. Please, no foliage below water line. A Bloom is a
single flower on a stem.
A Stem may have more than one flower or bud .A Spray is a portion of the plant that has many
blooms. Please attach entry tag with an elastic band.
Extra prizes will be awarded for entrants with the most points in each Cut Flowers (Class 1-19), Roses
(Class 20-22) Arrangements (Class 23-32), and Section S (Class1-39). Points will be assigned as follows:
1st place=5 points, 2nd place =3 points, and 3rd place =2 points.
1st-$5, 2nd -$4, 3rd -$3
1.Asters, 3 blooms
2.Black-eyed Susans, 5 stems
3.Butterfly Bush, 3 stems
4.Chrysanthemums, 3 sprays, any one variety
5.Cosmos, 3 stems
6.Dahlias, 3 blooms, assorted colours, foliage attached
7.Dahlias, 1 bloom 6” (15 cm) or more across 8. Hydrangeas, white, 3 stems
additional prizes $2 each for 4th- 10th place donated by The Lawnmaster
9.Hydrangeas, any other colour, 3 stems
10.Impatiens, best display, mixed colours
11.Marigolds, best display, any size
12.Sedum, 3 stems
13.Sunflower, 3 blooms, less than 6” diameter
14.Phlox, 3 stems
15.Zinnias, 3 blooms
16.Zinnias, pompom variety, 3 stems
17.Any perennial flower in bloom, not listed above, 1 stem, named
18.Any annual flower in bloom, not listed above, 3 stems named
19.** Junior Farmer Special** Largest Sunflower head 1st -$20 , 2nd $10 and 3rd $5 donated by
Kirsten McIntosh
Additional Prize: Best in Cut Flowers. $20 donated by the Seaforth Horticultural Society is
awarded to the grower with the most points in Classes 1-19.
1st - $5, 2nd - $4, 3rd - $3
20.Miniature Roses, a display of at least 3 blooms, different varieties
21.Rose, any rose with own foliage
22.Floating rose, 1 bloom, fully open, no foliage
BloomsN’Rooms donates $20 gift cert. to grower who has most points in Classes 20-22.
23.Lemon Pie- An arrangement of yellow and white flowers
24.Afternoon tea- An arrangement in a teapot
25.Kitchen Caper- A design that uses kitchen utensils as accessories
26.Snow White: an arrangement of white perennial flowers and evergreen foliage
27. Preserved: A miniature arrangement within a 500 ml mason jar.
28.Canning: An arrangement of mixed cut flowers using a 1 Litre mason jar as a vase.
29.Wild: Arrangement of wildflowers in a boot
30.Dining Table: Arrangement for the centre of a dining table, with the fair theme “Our Roots Run Deep”
31.Big: A large bouquet of large cut flowers in a very sturdy vase
32.**Hummingbird Delight: the Mary Vander Molen Special, arrangement of flowers that attract
hummingbirds 1st - $20, 2nd - $15, 3rd - $10 donated by The Lawnmaster
Additional Prize: Best in Arrangements. $10 to the grower with most points in Classes 23-32 donated
from Seaforth Horticultural Society
33.**Special** Pollinator Arrangement-bouquet with a minimum of 3 plants(from the list below) .
Prizes donated by The Lawnmaster 1st - $20, 2nd - $10, 3rd - $5
Pollinator Plant list- Aster, Basil, Black-eyed Susan, Bee Balm, Blanket flower, Butterfly Bush, Butterfly
weed, Cone
Flower, Cornflower, Coral Bells, Cosmos, Geranium, Joe-Pye Weed, Lavender, Lupine, Phlox, Marigold,
Mint, Milkweed, Nasturtium, Obedient plant, Rosemary, Sage, Salvia, Sedum, Stonecrop, Sunflower,
Sweet William, Tickseed, Yarrow, Zinnia
Additional Prize Extra Prize: Best in Floral. A $20 gift certificate donated from Seaforth Jewellers
will be awarded to the grower with the most points in Section S (Floral)